Technical Advantages

  • Design: Compact and good hook approach
  • Counter Weight: Optimized weight balance without counter weight.
  • Working Group: Standard with M5 duty.
  • Lifting Speed: Dual lifting speed.
  • Trolley: Suitable for straight path.
Standerd Specification
Capacity500 Kg to 2000 Kg
ClassificationFem 2m
Lifting Speed (m/min)10/2.5, 5/1.25 …; Contactor Controlled
Travel Speed (m/min)25/6; Contactor Controlled
Power Supply415Volts, 3 Phase, 50 Hz, AC Supply
Control Supply48 Volts, 50 Hz, AC Supply Contactor Controlled
Ambient Temp. (°C)50°C Max
Thermal Insulation ClassF-Class
Motor EnclosureIP 54
Brake TypeElectromagnetic Disc Brake – AC/DC
Runway BeamISMB 100~320 (or) Plate (Width may vary)
HookDIN 15400
Rope DrumSeamless pipe rope drum grooved as per DIN 15061


Underslug Hoist Straight Trolley Models
ModelWorking Load (Tons)Lift Height (m)ReevingSpeed (m/mm)fem
CRU 0.50.5T6, 9, 12, 18, 242/12.5/102M
CRU 011T1.25/5
CRU 022T


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